Water’s Risen

By Karan Menon

Picture credits : Instagram account @mushroomtrip

The evils of Lucy was all around me,
Had a feeling, I was drowning.
Everyone sitting around looking at me and frowning,
Just because I was a kid with bipolarity,
I saw her she was pretty, she was my light,
She’s someone I can have, but can’t keep.
The water’s risen, it’s deep,
Feeling breathless can’t even weep,
Everyone disappears,
Everyone goes away,
But she stays, could see her in the hallway.
Couldn’t move my body,
The water’s risen, it’s deep,
Feeling breathless, can’t even weep,
She yells, “Wake up!”.
Woke up quick,
Just to see,
I was drowning in reality.
The evils of Lucy was still all around me.