Exclusive Interview: Dr Namrata Jadwani (The Smylist)

Written by The Editors
Image Source: @Dr.NamrataJadwani

This issue celebrates women in every sphere of business and entrepreneurship. We as Editors of a magazine that celebrates diverse interests, wanted to interview The Smylist: A celebrity smile stylist/dentist by day, and the co-founder of the luxurious Bridal Affair India by night!
Dr Namrata Jadwani accurately represents the spirit of chasing your dreams, no matter how different they are, in a way that is bold and beautiful. She graciously accepted our invitation for an exclusive interview in The Riptide Magazine’s October Issue, which is all about her journey so far, her lessons and messages for women around her.

Dr Namrata Jadwani: The Smylist
Celebrity dentist and smile stylist
Dr Namrata Jadwani: The Smylist

Read the full interview below.

Q. Everyone has a ‘Why’ behind their story of becoming what they are. Describe your ‘why’, and tell us about how you decided that comprehensive dentistry was your calling?

“When I was at the crossroads of what and who I want to be in life – I went through a lot of highs and lows and I came to one conclusion, I want to make people smile – that’s it. I took that very literally and the next thing you know I’m in dental school. And here I am today a decade later, trying to make the world a better place, one smile at a time.”

Q. What inspired you to start The Bridal Affair India? How do you effectively manage your clinic, along with this incredible luxury portal?

“The Bridal Affair is something that I stumbled upon and it keeps me so creatively satiated that I’m grateful that it came my way. My partner Tina, ace image consultant & blogger, and I wanted to do something to create an all-encompassing portal for brides and grooms to be. When we started out, the initial idea was to be a portal that conducts workshops for brides. The workshop failed miserably, but by the time we launched it we were at 50k organic followers and it’s then that we decided to convert to the luxury digital portal you see.”

Q. Would you say being a woman put you at an advantageous position for either of your careers? If so, could you tell us why? If not, what did it lead to you overcoming?

“Being a woman has been dichotomous I would say. It’s come with its perks and perils. The top dentists somehow always had a male predominance which is now slowly changing. As for being the co-founder of TBAI, while our creative inputs were always welcomed, we were never taken seriously while negotiating deals and especially when it came to the numbers. But so many years down the line I’m happy we’ve managed to shatter many a glass ceiling.”

Dr Namrata Jadwani: Changing the world, one smile at a time
Dr Namrata Jadwani: Changing the world, one smile at a time
Q. Beyoncé, in one of her recent interviews, said that everyone had the same 24 hours as her. What does a day in Dr. Namrata Jadwani’s life look like? How do you make your 24 hours count for yourself, family, and who we all know as The Smylist?

“A marathon day for me usually involves some coffee and reading in the morning, getting into the clinic, doing admin, setting the goals for the day and then we start with our patients.
In between patients, I try to take in as many collaboration calls and touch base with my TBAI team. Or I’m making some educative dental content.
Once I’m home I try to squeeze in a workout, and then give some uninterrupted time to my family.
This is then followed by some more reading or Netflix, some goal setting for the next day – some gratitude for the day. And a secret wish, that I could have more hours in a day, right before sleeping.”

Q. What’s one thing you’d tell yourself if you could go back to the start of your career/college?

“The one thing I’d like to tell my younger self would be ‘Progress over perfection.’ It’s something I wish had learned and applied sooner.”

Q.  Dozens of women gather courage just by looking at other women who have made it. What would you say to girls starting out today, who hope to carve a space in multiple niches, just like you have?

“I’d like to tell every woman this:
You put one foot in front of the other, and one day you look back and realize you’ve climbed a mountain.
Just keep having the courage to show up every single day, despite how you feel – and watch the magic happen!”

girl power tonight gif

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